Taking a cab to the club
Author: steve@skyfire.vip

Never take a cab to the club


If you hop in a cab and say, “Take me to the best strip club in Vegas,” you may not actually end up at the best strip club in Vegas. That’s because taxi drivers receive payouts from some clubs as an incentive. Then, to recoup that money, each passenger is charged more at the door than they would be otherwise. That can be a big shock to the customer and start the night off on the wrong foot.

“A cabbie can make or break an experience from the very beginning,” says Ca$hmere.

Some of the better strip clubs in Vegas actually offer free limo service without a cover charge. It’s a great way to avoid an added cost. Plus, there’s no catch or hidden fee when you arrive.

“If you have a huge party, you can always get one of the big party buses. Sometimes it comes with girls! So that’s a cool element if you’re celebrating a big bachelor party.”


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