Taking photos It's cool if you use your phone to send a quick text or two, but whatever you do, please don't use it to snap a photo inside the strip club. "That's such a huge thing," says...
Saying the same stuff as every other guy
Saying the same stuff as every other guy Guys think they're being original with dumb pickup lines, but these girls have heard them all hundreds of times over -- especially the compliments...
Your credit card gets declined
Your credit card gets declined It usually happens for one of two reasons: either you spent more money than you realized (while drinking perhaps) and reached your limit, or you may just be...
Thinking a girl will date you
Thinking a girl will date you She won't. At least 99.99% of the time. And even in that rare case, it's not going to be you. "There has definitely been some proposals and guys asking for...
Buying drinks for the stripper
Buying drinks for the stripper The girls are usually allowed to drink while on the job. They probably won't get too crazy with you, but they'll stick around longer if you share a bottle of...
Don’t wear prohibited clothing
Don't wear prohibited clothing "If they are wearing random things that are scratchy, it's harder to give a lap dance." So leave the chain wallet at home (and don't even think about wearing...
Saving all your money for lap dances
Saving all your money for lap dances You don't want to seem cheap by not spreading a little love throughout the club. Word gets around quickly, and it'll only make the strippers less likely...
Look for discounts in advance
Look for discounts in advance Social media is your friend. Crazy Horse III offers a mobile app that makes it easy to book limos and find deals, and most clubs have websites or Twitter...
Taking a cab to the club
Never take a cab to the club If you hop in a cab and say, "Take me to the best strip club in Vegas," you may not actually end up at the best strip club in Vegas. That's because taxi drivers...
Bringing wives, girlfriends… or co-workers
Don't bring wives, girlfriends... or co-workers to the strip club No matter how cool your girlfriend or wife may be, don't assume she'll be fine with joining you at a strip club. Most don't...