by support | Jan 29, 2023 | Money Saving Tips, Scam Tips
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Get Distracted at The Slots Las Vegas is the place to indulge in a good time gambling, but danger lurks if you drop your guard. It’s easy to forget about your safety and belongings as you fall into a rhythm at the slot machines. Here are some...
by support | Jan 29, 2023 | Safety Tips
Stay on the Strip! Las Vegas is a vibrant and exciting city, known for its world-famous casinos and entertainment. However, like any city, it has its own set of dangers and potential risks. One of the most common concerns for visitors to Las Vegas is the idea of...
by support | Jan 29, 2023 | Safety Tips
Don’t Feed the Flying Rats Since when did rats have wings? Here’s what you should know about Sin City’s most common soaring pest. What is a “Flying Rat”?Pigeons are often referred to as “flying rats” due to their reputation for carrying diseases, high...
by support | Jan 29, 2023 | Money Saving Tips, Safety Tips
Avoid Vegas Scams! Gamble and Party Safe As tempting as it may be to take a chance on a game outside of a casino, it’s important to remember that unregulated gambling and party venues can be rife with scams. Why is Gambling Outside of Casinos Dangerous? Beyond...
by support | Jan 29, 2023 | Safety Tips
Las Vegas is hot, dry, and alcohol dehydrates you. In between shots and beers, drinking lots of water and electrolyte drinks will keep your Wild party going! Las Vegas is a desert city, so keep in mind that you’ll be in hot, dry, draining weather during the day. With...